Instructing Stan-X Teachers


Seung Kim - Stanford University
Lutz Kockel - Stanford University
Sangbin Park - Stanford University
Elizabeth Fox - The Lawrenceville School
Nicole Lantz - The Lawrenceville School
Anne Rankin - Emeritus team member, Exeter Academy

Stan-X Teachers Academy (previously known as Discover Now) trains interested teachers from secondary schools for five days during July.  Training happens on the campus of The Lawrenceville Academy each summer (and sometimes at Stanford University, depending on demand). 


• How many teachers per school?

2 is the preferred number; 1 can handle it, but the teaching and learning are more effective with 2 people who work as a team

 • How many days?

5 days: Monday - Friday (in July). Each day will be an intensive, immersive experience focused on training teachers in the lab skills necessary to run the typical Stan-X program.

 • Where can we stay and what will be done for meals?

For the Lawrenceville site, we recommend the Hilton Garden Inn nearby breakfast, lunch and 2 group dinners will be provided

• What will I learn in terms of theory and background?

teachers are taught the theory and practice of the Stan-X curriculum, covering the spectrum from classical mendelian genetics via transposon-mediated transgenesis to molecular biology and immunohistology

 • What will I learn in terms of skills and techniques?

Teachers will experience fly pushing, fly stock maintenance, molecular biology techniques (PCR), larval dissection and immunostaining. DNA sequencing is outsourced, but you will learn how to analyze DNA sequences

 • What else will I take away from the Academy?

We will also discuss lab setup and equipment acquisition. You will receive a list of supplies and equipment and vendors to contact
All curricular materials are provided free of charge.

• Can the curriculum be customized to my school calendar?

In addition to a focus on hands-on training, the Stan-X team will work with each participant to tailor the implementation of experience-based science courses in their school.

• Is there support for teachers after the training is completed?

yes, regular meetings on Zoom with the Teachers Academy instructors, to whom you can always reach out via email

 • How can I apply?

fill out the application form (link)

• What is the cost?

$2800 per teacher. We may be able to offer limited financial aid to participants who qualify. We are committed to inclusion within the Stan-X network by providing as much aid as possible to schools in need. If you select that you are interested in receiving aid, please fill out the appropriate section of the interest form.