Publications and web links for Stan-X 

Primary manuscripts: While publishing original studies is not the goal of Stan-X, per se, we view it as validation that the science and discoveries achieved in Stan-X classes are genuine, and that a natural outcome of this is the publication of our findings and resources. Moreover, the drafting, submission and eventual publication of science papers generated by Stan-X replicates, for select teachers and students, an essential scholarly experience. 

At the time of this writing (March, 2024), the Stan-X partnership has produced six peer-reviewed manuscripts published in the Genetics Society of America (GSA) journal Genes|Genomes|Genetics (G3), or in Scientific Reports, with links provided above on this page. A seventh study, derived from work with our summer students, is in advanced stages of preparation.

Web links to Stan-X resources or materials

One of the joys students and teachers in Stan-X courses experience is a connection to professional scientists. This is achieved in multiple ways, but none as concrete as the production of novel fly strains that are maintained in the famous Drosophila Stock Center, in Bloomington, Indiana (BDSC). Strains produced by students and teachers are thereby maintained and distributed throughout the world to investigators needing Stan-X fly stocks. Information on Stan-X lines is also maintained in a searchable web-based browser, built by Lutfi Huq and Lutz Kockel.

Here is the syllabus used by students at our Stan-X partner schools to construct LexAop lines and to perform enhancer trap screens, studies that served as the basis of the study by Chang et al, 2022.

The class manual for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing course from Spring 2023 can be downloaded here. If interested in implementing this course, please contact or for your specific needs and modifications.