As in prior summers, the Kim lab at Stanford was graced by visits from students who performed fruit fly research in the prior year, and were selected to continue their work in the summer. This includes Stella from the Dalton School in NY, Peter from Gund High School in Palo Alto, Eva, Clara and Ella from Phillips Exeter Academy, and Lotte from the Haileybury School in Hertford, UK. They were joined by Stanford undergraduate Emily and our Stan-X communications coordinator Iris-Mae (who studies at Oxford, UK).
The portrait in profile shows the ferocious experimental focus of summer-time scholars Eva and Clara. Along with a third scholar, Ella, they completed the Stan-X course (Bio670) at Exeter led by Ms. Rankin and Mr. Chisholm last spring. This summer they worked with Dr. Kockel to characterize new enhancer trap fly lines. These studies are in a manuscript now wending its way through the publication workflow.