This summer, the Kim group hosted students from our Stan-X partners for multi-week internships. As before, the students were selected by their teachers for this opportunity through the Stan-X course or program at their school. In June, we were delighted to host three students from Lawrenceville in the Hutchins Scholars program, Mina, Jane and Arya. They were accompanied by Ms. Nicole Lantz and spent their stay here working on molecular genetics and fruit fly biology.
In August, we hosted Valentina and Jenna, two students from Exeter who had completed the Bio 670 course in the preceding term. They worked for 3.5 weeks with Dr. Lutz Kockel on characterizing new fly strains produced by their fellow Exonians and did a deep dive into fly genomics. One evening at the end of their stay, we had an outing with the students and other members of the Kim group or Stan-X instructors, and Jenna's mother (seen here to Seung's left), for a delicious celebratory dinner, and a movie (the Hitchcock classic, "Rear Window") at the Stanford Theater in downtown Palo Alto. It was a splendid way to end the summer.