
Typically, you as interested teachers and/or leadership at schools self-identify, and a first contact between Stan-X leadership at Stanford and your school is by a series of emails and phone calls. As the Stan-X course is typically broken down into a sequence of course segments implemented sequentially, and adopted as capacity allows, our discussions1-3 focus on identifying which of several course segments are the best ‘fit’ for the goals of your specific school. Following the development of a time plan, we work within the internal resources of your school to create the specific curriculum.

Beginning in the summer 2019, these initial steps, as well as an in-depth teacher training, were achieved through our teaching academy, called Discover Now. This course is offered annually during the summer and provides the ideal preparation to start the Stan-X class at your school.

After participation in Discover Now, Stan-X members at Stanford and existing teaching partners consult and mentor teachers at new partner schools regularly, including through invited on-site visits.

Below is a partial list of written and web-based resources provided to Stan-X partnering schools pro bono. In addition to these materials, our partnering teachers have benefitted from communicating and collaborating with teachers from other schools in the Stan-X network, and from mentoring and coaching by these teachers and Stan-X leaders at Stanford. These “human resources” accelerate and enhance adoption of Stan-X courses at the newly entering partnering schools.

**List of resources provided gratis to Stan-X partner schools ** Course syllabus
Guide to fly media production
Genetics Teaching Videos tailored to the Stan-X class (by N. Lantz)
Web-based syllabus and other teaching materials (Lawrenceville)
All required fly strains

**Citations **

  1. [https://www.exeter.edu/news/synergy-science][2]
  2. [http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2016/08/16/ultimately-about-discovery-high-school-students-experience-hands-on-biology-research/][3]
  3. https://www.lawrenceville.org/news-detail?pk=1029589 [3]: http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2016/08/16/ultimately-about-discovery-high-school-students-experience-hands-on-biology-research/ [2]: https://www.exeter.edu/news/synergy-science